Friday, February 15, 2008

Another Week in Recap -- Ron Paul, Potomac Primaries, & Misc Fodder

Two events of this week have stuck out for me. The first -- and most important -- was that I performed my civic duty and voted in the Washington, DC, primary. It was interesting getting to the pools and seeing more enthusiasm (by number of voters) than I've ever seen before in DC. The lines were stretched out the door 15 minutes after the polling location opened. After the numbers came in, it was obvious that I wasn't the only Obama supporter in the Washington, DC, metro area. Wow...I couldn't have imagined things to have gone better!

The second memorable activity this week was that Rep. Ron Paul visited Georgetown to speak to the student body. I organized an online advocacy effort to sway Prof. Rosenblatt from letting us out early. It worked and a few of us went to the event to hear Paul's comments. The audience included passionate Paul supporters and a mix of people that were just interested in hearing his radical remarks. He def. is a good orrator but after 20 minutes, he started to get a little too extreme for the liberal audience. I think the point he lost us was when he started to say that the U.S. should not have been involved in WWI. More info on his presentation can be found at

This week I was also invited to go to Ohio to be a volunteer for Obama. I really want to go but their primary is right after I am moving into a new apartment. Maybe I'll go to another state or help out in the general election (when my life will be a little less hectic).

Class was also good this week. Besides the fact that I was successful in my advocacy campaign, we had a spirited and interactive discussion about the reading. I certainly hope that the rest of the class will stay in that format.

Work was a whirlwind too this week. I launched a new homepage for the association's website, which includes some localization of content (a first for us). I've still got 300 other projects on my plate but as next week is our Board meeting and I'm not going, I should be able to get through a lot of it.

This weekend is going to be a three-dayer due to observance of Presidents Day. I'll be spending a lot of it working on a net neutrality paper, but I'm def looking forward to some R&R; family time; and preparation for my move at the end of the month.

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